How do I understand and help animals? How do I enable people to learn from and about them? And how do I make a difference? That is my passion as an expert in animal behavior. I am a pioneer, but wouldn’t be anywhere without +200 education courses … and my team and clients. People like you, who have a warm heart for animals and want to grow themselves. Welcome!
I am a behavioral assessor and expert in animal behavior (ethology) and behavior therapy. Municipalities, police zones, etc., enlist my services for bite incidents and training purposes.

Inge Pauwels possesses an inexhaustible knowledge of animal behavior. Her fine and inspiring teaching style motivates me to continually pursue more training sessions to expand my understanding of dog behavior.

I really feel that I have grown and gained more insight into ’the dog’ and myself as a dog person over the past two months. But what I find most important is the love for animals that is palpable.

I constantly think back to the lessons from Toscanzahoeve, because they have turned my dog into the wonderful, loving, intelligent rascal she was, and whom I cherished so much.

I cannot emphasize enough how much Toscanzahoeve has contributed to my growth. The holistic approach has elevated my professional skills to a higher level.

The training definitely met my expectations. I find it very practical-oriented with concrete examples that you provide. Not too much theory, but goal-oriented matters that we can work on in practice.

Interview? Call +32 475 34 71 12 or mail inge@ingepauwels.be